When a group of seemingly normal people decide to aid someone else in their everyday struggle without questionable doubt, it speaks wonders not only about their character, but also about their capacity to care on a deeply sympathetic level. Despite the fact that few of you had actually spoken to me prior to this event, (let alone met me face to face) and still decided to support me in my time of need, is an act of true kindness. That kindness that you have, to me, is one of the most beautiful qualities any man or woman may possess.
On behalf of Double Strand, I want to thank you all for attending and contributing to the fight against VHL and for donating to our research foundation. The organization of this event required an input of tremendous effort, and you all made our hard work pay off. Nothing was more satisfying than seeing so many friends, co-workers, and supporters contributing to our cause – and having fun while doing so.
Much Love,
Karli Wallace
A note of thanks from Karynne & John….
The fundraiser sponsored by Strand Hill / Christie’s Int’l Real Estate was a super fun event for everyone and raised $14,900 for VHL cancer research! Thank you to everyone that bowled, donated and bid on silent auction items!
Every dollar raised will be used to fund and advance important research for the treatment and cure of VHL and cancer.
Many of you have been impacted in some way by cancer. Your stories inspire us be proactive. 40% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and that percentage is growing.
We can’t sit on the sidelines and wait for better treatments to come along. That’s why we made a personal commitment to push research forward. Thank you for joining us in this mission,
Karynne & John